sex education

Ella loves hosting workshops and offers them on lots of different topics. Check out the workshops Ella has coming up or hire Ella to facilitate one of their signature workshops or a custom workshop.
Pussy Pleasure Workshop
Do you ever cringe when your partner goes down on you?
Have you ever felt embarrassed about the smell of your vagina?
Do you ever wonder if you have a g-spot?
Have you heard of the perineum (hint: it's made of erectile tissue)?
Do you ever wonder if your vulva looks normal?
Did you ever learn how big your clit (actually) is?
If you're anything like me, you have shame about your vulva. You cringe a bit when your partner goes o=down on you. You've definitely wondered if your genitals are "normal." And you absolutely did not get the proper run down of the pleasure zones in your genitals, so you're still learning about (the actual size of) the clit, the truth about the g-spot, and other places that I'm keeping as a surprise for this workshop 🤫.
During this workshop, we are going to break down where messages about our vulvas come from and how they impact our sexuality. I’ll even tell you what happens in the brain during sex when you think “I’m gross.”
We’ll also talk about the structure of the vulva. Believe it or not, there is actually a lot of controversy among sex researchers about what parts exist and what don’t. I will present to you parts of the vulva you can access for pleasure that you may never have heard of and share how the genitals change during arousal and how that can be used for more pleasure (and better orgasms, too).
This space is for anyone with a vulva, all genders welcome. The event is 75 minutes long and hosted on zoom. You can participate in whatever way feels comfortable for you; you can remain anonymous by changing your name on zoom and just listen, or join us from your bed or while you're cooking dinner. You can come on video, participate in the chat, or you can speak into the space. It's up to you!
How To Ask For What You Want In Bed Workshop
If you’re anything like’ve struggled to ask for what you want in bed. You’ve felt guilty saying ‘no.’ You’ve stayed in a position longer than you want because you just couldn’t find the words to ask to switch. You’ve worried that you’d hurt your partners feelings if you gave them honest feedback. And you most definitely did not learn all the different ways to tell your partner how you want to be touched, that you do not like something, or about the new thing you want to try.
So if you're anything like me, then this workshop is for you!
During this workshop you will:
identify the things that prevent you from asking for what you want in bed
learn at least 4 communication strategies for asking for what you want during sex
learn two techniques for bringing up sex and talking about your sexual needs outside of sex
explore things you can do outside of sex to increase your ability to ask for what you want during sex