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Ella Dorval Hall 


Sex Educator and Sex & Relationship Writer


Ella Dorval Hall is an Internationally Acclaimed Sexuality Educator who brings a little bit of humor, a lot of honesty, and just the right amount of science to their work.  Ella stepped into this field because of their own lack of pleasure they experienced during sex (and other parts of their life). Ella now demands pleasure as an essential motivator for anything they pursues and believes that ALL people deserve to experience pleasure and joy, especially during sex.


Ella knows that sex can be awkward, uncomfortable, self conscious, painful, or even dreadful and works to brings people the information and skills they need in order to have the kind of sex they want to have. Ella's favorite part of sex education is deconstructing systems of oppression, the sexual myths, values, and messages we receive from them, and understanding how they impact our sex lives. Ella works one on one with clients, offers workshops, and writes for media outlets, sex toy companies, and sex ed platforms. 

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Sex Tips In Your Inbox

Wondering how big the clit REALLY is? If squirting is real? How to ask for what you want in bed? Why you feel so guilty after you masturbate? Or how to stop being so critical of your body and performance in bed? 


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work with Ella

 Work With Ella 

"The team is super impressed. We have worked with several writers over the past three years and Ella's content takes the cake!" - Pleasure Product Company 

 Ella writes about sexuality, offers 1:1 sessions, and does workshops. 


Ella has words in some of the leading sex education platforms and media outlets. Skilled in SEO, research, and interviewing experts, Ella can drive traffic to your site, write a hot take on a internet trend, or bring together comprehensive how-to guides.

1:1 Sessions     

Ella works one to one with clients who are struggling to enjoy sex, whether it be performance anxiety, guilt, trouble asking for what they want, or not knowing what the like between the sheets.


Ella puts on a killer interactive, skills-based workshop on topics like how to ask for what you want in bed, pleasure anatomy, and much more.



Interested in a 1:1 session? In need of a sex writer? Want to book me for a workshop ? Just looking to say hello? Send me a message! PS I love meeting other sex educators and writers— feel free to say hi!

Thanks for submitting!

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